Thursday, March 31, 2005

Mbit to GB

gh0st- go on Francisco, without using a calculator, give me a subnet mask for 5 hosts, and its CIDR notation :P
HalB the number of GB per month varies with how many days are in a month
Francisco lol gh0st- not so advanced yet
Francisco soon ;)
Shaun222 gh0st-: ... /29
Francisco brb
brentp heh
gh0st- Shaun222; CHEAT
gh0st- aww
gh0st- Francisco; come back!
gh0st- hehe
Shaun222 i dont cheat?
gh0st- subnet calculating by hand makes me go bonkers
gh0st- Shaun222; i asked francisco for fun :P
HalB I get 311GB for 31 days
HalB for 1Mbit
Shaun222 Francisco: 1mbit = 1,048,576 bits
Shaun222 8 bits to a byte
Shaun222 1048576 / 8 = 131072 bytes
Shaun222 131072 / 1024 = 128KB/s
LucaBrasi whats the time in the mountain time zone (US) ?
Francisco back
LucaBrasi right now that is
Francisco EST time?
LucaBrasi seems broken
Francisco gh0st-, heh
LucaBrasi not est, mountain
Francisco no idea.
LucaBrasi nm
LucaBrasi 19:20
gh0st- heh
gh0st- im AEST
gh0st- not US-EST
Ahlee Mountain time is 7:19 PM
Shaun222 Francisco: 2592000 (Seconds in 30 days) * 1048576 (bits in mbit) = 2717908992000
Shaun222 2717908992000 / 8 = 339738624000 (bytes conv)
Shaun222 339738624000 / 1024 = 331776000 (mbytes)
Shaun222 331776000 / 1024 324000 (gbytes)
Francisco oh
Shaun222 whoops
Francisco thanks
Francisco :)
Shaun222 331776000 (mbytes) is actually kbytes
Shaun222 then 331776000 / 1024 324000 (mbytes
Shaun222 and finally 324000 / 1024 = 316.41 GBytes

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

size of a folder

Francisco the command to get the size of a folder is hs or something? I forgot the exact command
bliixx kiko what'd you need ?
bliixx porn ?
Steven| du ?
bliixx erf
bliixx nvm
|Shad0w| du
|Shad0w| du -sh for summary and human readable

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